Online Catalog
Solutions for a range of industries



HD2114P.0/2 Delta Ohm Micro-manometer

HD21ABE17 IAQ Meter

HD21ABE17 IAQ Meter

HD 25.2 PIANTA 001

HD25.2 – Portable and Bench Turbidity Meter

Heat Stress Meter Delta Ohm

HD32.32 WBGT Index Measurement

Thermal Comfort heat stress meter for industry

HD32.3TC – HD32.3TCA – Thermal Microclimate PMV-PPD / WBGT

HD50 Series Web Data logger

HD50 Series Web Data logger

HDMCS-100 All-in-One Meteo Compact Station

HDMCS-100 All-in-One Meteo Compact Station

LLM-Basic KIT and LLM-Advanced KIT - LED LUX Measurement Kits

LLM-Basic KIT and LLM-Advanced KIT: LED LUX Measurement Kits


PMSense Particulate Matter Transmitter