Model: 489-6 Digit Timer


The Model 489-6D is a 489 timer that has been configured in a six digit format. It Allows for Timing functionality that is formatted in HH:MM:SS. It Allows for remote setpoint with functions start :Stop:Reset that can be connected externally via toggle switches. These timers, which are reliable and accurate, have become very popular in operating theatres where surgeons prefer and ask for these units by name .

5 in stock (can be backordered)

Technical Specs

Physical Dimensions

  • Bezel Size
  • Cutout Size
  • Depth

Supply Voltage

  • 380 VAC , 230 VAC , 115 VAC
  • 110 VDC , 24 VDC , 12 VDC
  • Current Consumption
  • +/- 16 mA @ 230 VAC
